The Changing Scope Clause Environments
As noted in mba insights The Pilot Shortage: A Current and…

The Pilot Shortage: A Current and Future Threat
The need for pilots is even greater internationally; this…

Aircraft Profile: Embraer E175
Lindsey Webster (Mohr), Manager of Valuations, Morten Beyer & Agnew (mba), provides insight on the Embraer E175 market and value activity in the November issue of Airfinance Journa

Analysis: Boeing 777/777x Gap Unchanged Through May
Based on Boeing’s most recent release of orders and deliveries to include May 2015, there were nine 777 aircraft delivered in May. This continues to demonstrate Boeing’s resolve to maintain its production schedule at 8.3 aircraft per mont

Analysis: With Tianjin Airlines’ Order, Embraer Production Gap to the E2 Jet EIS is Shrinking
With today’s order of 20 Embraer 195s, placed by Tianjin Airlines, the gap in production of the current generation aircraft moving to the new E2 aircraft is becoming de minimis